Japanese name: 僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。
Chinese name: 與我戀愛的廢柴小惡魔。
From Visual Novel Database:
Developer: SMILE (Contain NSFW content)
Publishers: Denpasoft (Contain NSFW content) and Sekai Project
Released in 27 May 2016. On Steam and Denpasoft at 26 October 2018.
Character sprites and a selection of CGs (a few contain NSFW content) at SMILE website.
Steam trading cards consist of 8 artwork, each with a different CG and the game logo at one corner.
Steam profile backgrounds consist of 8 artwork, each with a different character sprite and portrait on a themed background.
Steam version without 18+ DLC contains 79 CGs and 10 SD CGs (89 altogether). Non-censored version contains 22 CGs, 10 SD CGs and 61 H CGs (93 altogether).
Game music gallery contains 16 BGM and 2 shortened songs with vocals. Soundtrack DLC contains 2 songs with vocals and 2 instrumental versions.
Opening and ending themes on YouTube by Zathanz
Initial gameplay video with author narration and commentary on YouTube by gray
gray's The Ditzy Demons Are in Love With Me playlist page on YouTube
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
Denpasoft products page(Contain NSFW content):
DMM 18+ products page (Contain NSFW content):
FutureDigi products page (Website contains NSFW content):
Why are most of them look like lolis?
Is this heaven but with demons..??