Easy to follow guidelines on how to win free stuff:
⭐ Stars are the requirements needed to be eligible for the specific giveaways.
Be sure to pay attention to them as they can be slightly different for each giveaway.
⭐ I'm big into having members who setup their profiles with pictures and info.
So be sure that you have a profile picture, banner picture, and some info setup HERE
⭐ After the giveaway is complete I will list the winner and move the giveaway into the
Completed Giveaways HERE. Be sure to check there as I will be giving the key away to someone else if not contacted within two weeks to claim. :)
⭐ You can reach out to me directly to receive your keys: SinicalGeek#9001
That is it! These steps help make these giveaways better for the community.
If you have any questions or even have some suggestions on how I should do something regarding the giveaways differently, feel free to comment below.