Hey, so I put a lot of work into my game, Monster Girl Farmer, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trying it out. Here's my little blurb:
Monster Girl Farmer is an erotic text-based RPG. Your farm is failing, but your fortune takes a turn when a starving Monster Girl barges into your home. In exchange for taking her in, she'll help you start the world's first Monster Girl farm! Collect monster girl milk, honey, pollen, and more.
Game Features
The writing:
Lewd scenes crafted by artisanal writers, grinding away in the paper mines until their quills and free hands are worn to nubs. With over zero years of combined experience, you can rest easy knowing I'm not happy until they're not happy.
Memorable characters with depth: the agoraphobic mushroom girl, the superstitious dryad, the cherry tree girl who thinks she's a princess...
A multitude of fetishes—many more on the way!
A world brimming with lore. Learn about the Monster Girl Devil and why Hellhound Girls fell from grace.
Color-coded, easy to read dialogue.
No pretentious purple prose. You won't find words like milieu, mackle, or mélange anywhere.
Wholesome turn-based encounters:
Raise monster girls' affection through acts of kindness, not violence. (Working—many planned improvements.)
Gain experience, level up, and learn new acts of kindness.
A mélange of item drops. Sell them for money, use them to upgrade your farm, or gift them during encounters.
Status effects that increase crop yield, temporarily decrease your energy, etc.
Minimal grinding.
Maximal grinding (against monster girls).
The world:
A clear visual mini-map to easily navigate the diverse regions. (Map is currently textbased.)
Upgradable environments: convince monster girls to set up shops in town, build a coop with dryad wood, etc.
Track critical information in your journal: the number of undiscovered monster girls, how many scenes are left, and what you ate for breakfast.
Check out the content roadmap (starts at the top, subject to change): https://arcweave.com/app#/project/L80Vezw69R
Customize your experience:
Play as male, female, or enby. Choose your name and pick your naughty parts.
Affect scenes by bringing different monster girls on your adventures. (Implemented for one character—more planned.)
Dislike a kink? Skip any lewd scene BEFORE the action starts.
And if that doesn't convince you, check out these rave reviews:
"What's up man. Everything okay?"
"Shouldn't you be looking for a job?"
"We're worried about you."
And that's just from my friends!
About me (Bawdy Ink Slinger):
I'm proud to say this is my second NSFW game; I completed my first!
I've been programming for decades, teaching best practices to others. This means fewer bugs, more content. The main fetishes: * Monster Girls! (dog girls, dryads, spider girls, harpies, centaurs, mushroom girls, tree girls, etc.) * Lactation (*planned*) * Tentacles * Gaping * Pregnancy (*planned*) * And more!
You can play it in your browser here: https://monstergirlfarmer.com
You can support the game by sharing it with others or becoming a pledge here: https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/support_me
New release!
Touch her chest, explore her box, thumb her pearl. You guessed it! I'm talking about Monster Girl Farmer's transforming Mimic. (Text-based game supporting ALL platforms)
What's new:
This release introduces Rebecca, a mimic girl. For those unfamiliar with the concept, they transform into an inanimate object like a treasure chest and wait for a poor adventurer/poor criminal to open them up. Then the mimic ambushes them, leading to a difficult encounter. In the context of the game, it's her personality that is... difficult. She tests if you're worthy to worship her (ever-transforming) body by giving you an "oral qualifying exam." If you pass, she'll take you under her proverbial wing, teaching you important lessons like, "shame is a sin" and, "covetous desires are a sign of faith." I had a lot of fun writing the scene, especially the transformation parts. As you can see, she has a bold personality and loves having power over you. You can find her by chance when you explore the forest. Just follow the trail of coins.
At the moment, there are so many random exploration scenes, the odds of discovering the specific scene you're looking for has become a grindfest. As a TEMPORARY solution to this problem, I'm adding cheat codes for the $5 pledges allowing you to jump directly to these scenes. I see the permanent fix to this problem -- unique scenes occurring in specific locations at a much higher probability -- to be a high priority feature. Implementing it this way is an iteration toward that goal.
Monster Girl Farmer was always planned to be an epic game, but now it's truly at the point where it's too large for one person to work on alone. I need content contributors, but they need a way of getting up to speed with the game's lore and character personalities. Therefore, I put a lot of time into creating "Contributors Guide" wiki page. It's still a work in progress, but it's already saved me a lot of time. With these time savings, I was able to hire 4 new authors during this release!