FPG is a Steam group recently started up by me,Dixia to find story driven game fans.We prefer to stay a small group,to keep a close community where everyone know each other.
What are we looking for?
Active members that like to chat about their day.
People to play games with.
people to participate in our contests.
What do we offer?
A active discord chat,
weekly giveaway's,
contests(with prizes).
We would like to partner with other small discord/steam group. to share idea's ,giveaway's ,members and maybe do contests together?As our server is not pg,we have no
problem with partnering with discord that target mature players.(aka have NSFW content)
Do you think this will suit your discord/steam group?Then contact Gamer Girl Dixia #2721 for a partnership. or for steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/DixiaTheMotherDragon/
Feel free to join the discord to check it out and get a feel for our members.
woot first one