Hi my name is Red-White, a normally relatively shy and unassuming member of the Life Needs a Little Sin discord server, and I figure I'll be as transparent about this as possible considering I've already come to terms with the idea of a discord server of 1000+ members being pinged to see my name winning one of our cool giveaways.
I'm here to uh, not pay for a game, and uh, win it? But also nice to meet you.
Red-White#7440 on discord, https://steamcommunity.com/id/RedDashWhite/ on steam. Don't play video games with me until my family and I get together $4000 to run a line to our house for better internet. (I live in a rural place.)
Do talk with me into unholy hours of the night. If that interests you. (I'm not very good at small talk or introductions as you can very clearly see, but you'd be surprised how hard it is for me to shut up when I get into it.)
Otherwise my internet presence isn't very notable, oops.
This is not a very good post, I'm sorry.
Awesome intro post Red-White! You forgot to mention your Touhou love.